VGT PORTUGAL was born as a subsidiary of a Dutch company; TBS BV (https://spitskool.com/) and started its activity in 2009 in the heart of the Ribatejana province, in Alpiarça.
Mission, Vision, Strategy and Purpose
Mission: VGT PORTUGAL is a sustainable agricultural production company that guarantees its customers the best quality products on the European market.
Vision: Work, persistence, experience, commitment, and sustainability are the most valuable parameters that contribute to the conduct of all its activity.
Strategy and Objectives:Through an organization aware of its vision parameters, VGT PORTUGAL imprints dynamism in all the vital disciplines necessary for aperformance ideal and puts productionprogrammed, in a separate and aggregated way focused on food safety as strategic and differentiating points in the activity to be developed. This strategy aims to solidify strategic partnerships with its customers, creating regularity in the product offer, making the business model more stable and with less investment risk, thus creating the ideal conditions to be the leader in production in the European market.